This is a cute dog. He is unaware that his likeness is being used for various types of merchandise. Then again, he probably doesn’t care. He is being used to demonstrate some types of...
This is a cute dog. He is unaware that his likeness is being used for various types of merchandise. Then again, he probably doesn’t care. He is being used to demonstrate some types of...
These credible people who are definitely not models all shilled out for these shirts so maybe you have a gnawing desire to do the same: Mithras Farm understands that sometimes you just want to...
Chagupta tosses out some dad jokes What do you do if you get stuck inside an elephant? Run around until you’re pooped out.I’m sorry, I am an AI language model and I am not...
Today I decided A)to call the Chat GPT Chagupta and B)to ask it about plastic pollution, which ramped up considerably with the global explosion in PPE. My questions are italicized and Chagupta replies (notably...
What is the most advance chatbot available today? There are many advanced chatbots available today, and the level of advancement can depend on various factors such as the specific use case, industry, and the...
I texted with Chat GPT to understand some of its linguistic shortcomings. We meandered around romance language puns, the singularity, grey goo and mRNA vaccines. My prompts are italicized and Chat GPT’s responses follow....
I’ve contemplated writing an adaptation of the Jungle for some time, but have been limited by both laziness and my inability to get in touch with David Schwimmer, who has optioned the rights. Here’s...
Did AI write the Urantia book? The Urantia Book is a spiritual and philosophical text that was first published in 1955. The authorship of the book is a matter of controversy and debate. Some...
If you’ve ever been interested in the Voynich Manuscript, you can tell there’s something off about it. Similarly, when you ask an AI image generator like Midjourney to conjure a concept, it will produce...
Just like you, every six months or so I briefly and obsessively ponder whether we are living in a simulation. I think the seed was planted when a fifth grade friend considered the blue...